

July 24, 2016

An Exciting Announcement

I can’t believe I’m actually writing this post!!

This past year has been a year FULL of joy and change. On top of of moving back to Indiana and starting new jobs, Ryan was born, Chris and I became parents, and Fluffy G finally got a haircut (Haha!)!

However, it is with great excitement that I announce yet another change: as of this week, I am officially a full-time wedding & lifestyle photographer!

IMG_3301Ahh!!! :) Well really, I’ve technically been “full time” ever since the end of the school year, but seeing as I would have been on summer vacation anyway, it didn’t really seemed real. And trust me, I’m still pinching myself to remind me that it’s true! But before we get too ahead of ourselves, let me give you a little back story…

For the past two+ years, I’ve been so blessed to run this business in addition to working full time. Managing both careers has always been a joy, and I loved the ability to pursue both of my passions. My full-time teaching job allowed me to pour all of my photography income directly back into my business, to make risks and dream big without worrying about how we’ll pay the bills, and, most importantly, to get to know, teach, and encourage some of the best high school kiddos around. I was working a “9-5” that I truly enjoyed, and then living out my dreams as a wedding & lifestyle photographer in the spare hours. I didn’t have to choose, so I didn’t.

But then this crazy thing happened, and his name starts with an “R”. :)

When I found out I was pregnant, one of my first thoughts was: How am I going to make all of this work!? How am I going to be a wife, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, photographer, business owner, AND mom?!?! I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love multi-tasking just as much as the next girl, but even I saw the complexity of that plan. I’d always told myself photography worked great with teaching because the schedules were generally opposite. I scheduled sessions in the evenings, weddings on the weekends, and did more work in the summers when school was out. But that perfect combination suddenly didn’t sound so perfect, as I thought about all of time I’d miss with our soon-to-be-here son.

We discussed the possibility of me going full time, but it just didn’t seem like the timing was right. After all, we had just moved across states, and I was essentially starting my business all over again! And, if I’m being honest, being a full-time photographer had always been in the back of my mind, but in a “someday” kind of way. I didn’t really, truly, think I could ever make it happen. Stuck in the comparison trap, I downgraded and devalued myself and my work, laughing off friends’ comments of “Do you think you’ll ever do photography full time?”.

In other words, I was afraid. But fear has never been a trustworthy advisor, and with a lot of hard work, Chris and I realized that my business, which I thought would disappear as we relocated, actually grew stronger. And, while I definitely still am growing and gaining my feet in Indianapolis, I am so excited to be doing so now as a full-time photographer!

My weekly schedule used to be a blur: I’d be out of the house by 6:20am to drop Ryan off at daycare, work until 3:15, come home and cross my fingers that Ryan would take a nap so I could get some work done, and then do it all over again the next day. It was exhausting, but with a lot of love and grace, we made it work.

But now, we eat breakfast together as a family. Chris & I drink coffee together and talk about our days, and I always sneak an extra kiss or two. I play and snuggle with Ryan and get to see him grow and learn and laugh all. day. long. Of course, we’re still figuring out the best way to balance everything (and I’m sure we always will be), but life is good.

For those wondering about how I feel leaving the classroom, just know that God’s plan always works out so much better than mine ever does! I’ve always loved teaching and have been blessed with some of the best students, so this wasn’t the case of my-day-job-sucks-get-me-out-of-here; I was truly torn as we made this decision! So you can imagine my surprise and thankfulness when, a week after the school year ended, I was given the opportunity to teach a few English classes part time through a local homeschool co-op on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It truly is a perfect fit!

Before I end this post, I just want to say thank you. There is no way I would even be close to being here without the support from my family, the encouragement from friends, and the love from all the amazing couples, families, and creatives who have chosen me to document their most precious memories and milestones. By choosing to invest your precious time and resources with me, you have given me the ability to pursue my passions and be home with my family, and for that I will never stop giving thanks. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your sweet words, for your referrals, for your encouragement, and for your reviews. I am so excited to share this news with you, and I can’t wait to see where these next years take us!


Oh, and one other exciting announcement….with the transition to full time also comes a transition to a new & improved online presence and client experience! I am SO excited to launch my new website (Ahhh!!!) in the coming weeks (exact date TBA) and to share more behind the scenes posts. Stay tuned for more information!

Love love love,


Indianapolis, IN



  1. Becca says:

    Congrats Sammy!! I’m so excited for you. You’re inspiring ????

  2. Janelle says:

    Congratulations Sammy! This post was so heart warming that I couldn’t help but post and tell you how happy I am for you! All anyone wants is to live out their dreams and be happy doing it, I’m glad you’ve found just that. Good luck!

  3. Shannon Romine says:

    Congrats Sami! Best of luck. If you ever need a reference or anything to assist with this, let us know. We were thrilled with our pics and happy to support your new venture!

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Sami Orndorff is a Wedding Photographer & Lifestyle Newborn Photographer located in the greater Indianapolis area.