

March 27, 2015

A Day in the Life: Appetite Paper

There is just something about finding people who are in the same boat as you. In a world as big and wide as ours, it’s a rare thing to come across: another person who gets your struggles, who relates to your worries and triumphs, and who truly feels what you’re going through. So, when you find those people, it’s all the more important to join hands with them and row through this life together :)

It’s why I’m so passionate about sharing stories and creating community, and one reason why I am so excited to introduce you to one of my favorite fellow rowers! I met Rachael, of Appetite Paper, on the very first night of Creative at Heart this past January. My roommate and I were late to the welcome dinner, and when we learned the main table was already full, our hearts sunk…until we saw another group of three C@H attendees in the corner. To this day, I am still so grateful we mustered up the courage to crash their table, as it brought three awesome friendships into my life!


Rachael’s friendship specifically has been such an encouragement and blessing to me already, and I am so glad to get to share her words with you today. Not to mention the fact that I love everything about Rachael’s business and work, too! Her desire to give back, her affinity for BRIGHT colors, unique fonts, and joyful images, and her passion for serving others just makes me smile! It is a perfect reflection of her through and through, and I am so thankful to call her a friend. Reading over her questions brought tears to my eyes; her insight on the unique combination of passion and practicality every creative small business owner faces was exactly what I needed to hear! But enough of me …here’s Rachael!

Introduce yourself and your business: What hats are you juggling every day?

Hello, I’m Rachael the owner of Appetite Paper and I create paper flowers! I am a wife,  full-time graphic designer and small business owner on nights and weekends.

Sami_Paperflowers_01Why did you start your own creative small business?

I started my own creative small business as a creative outlet! It’s so fun to create without limits. I don’t get to do a lot of hands on design during the day, so being able to come home and explore different skills and artistic mediums is a huge thrill for me!

What has been your greatest challenge as a small business owner?

Transitioning from hobbyist to business owner. Eventually Appetite Paper was no longer something I did for myself. As it grew it slowly became more of a responsibility. My nights and weekends quickly changed from tinkering around with paper to learning how to run a healthy business. I had to bridge the gap between artist and owner. It was a rough transition and still is! I do a little better each day and there is always something to learn. This book, The E-Myth, was a great resource.

What was the biggest game changer in the way you run your business and manage your time in this last year?

My passions were a huge driver at Appetite Paper in the beginning. I really just went where the inspiration took me! Diving into different projects that were not necessarily a good investment of my resources. Naturally, as my business grew, my time became more limited and I was forced to edit what I was involved in. In order to run a strong, healthy, efficient and profitable business I really had to take emotions out of it. My passion is still at the core of my business, but it is no longer in the driver seat. The result is a better life/work balance. Before, I was making myself miserable! Trying to keep up with everything was impossible, and it turns out all that “busy” really didn’t help my business grow!

What are some of your productivity tips? 

As someone who takes on way to much, my productivity tip is not how to manage more to-dos better, but to respect the amount of time you have! Boundaries and a healthy balance are so important and I’ve unfortunately learned the hard way! Commit to projects, blogging and social media that is realistic to the time you have available. If you only have 5 hours a week, respect that. Choose three things that are important and do them well. I guarantee you will notice more progress and growth when you respect your limitations, rather than trying to excel at everything.Sami_Paperflowers_02

What’s the one tool you couldn’t manage your time without?

I am obsessed with these basic 8″x6” spiral notebooks! I make lists, organize my thoughts and even journal if I’m having a rough day! I manage so much online and on my phone, so it’s nice to take a break from it all, so apps or fancy planners don’t really work for me. Sitting with my coffee and planning my day out on a blank piece of paper is strangely satisfying. 

What’s your favorite non-essential business tool?

Green tea with milk and Gregory Alan Isakov albums! They both make for a more soothing evening since I work, after work. My days are long (I honestly love it) and his voice helps me stay relaxed. Im obsessed with every one of his albums!

Sami_Paperflowers_04What is the key to staying on top of your small business and not getting too overwhelmed?

Remembering that this business does not define me! My success does not determine my worth and if I accomplish nothing today, my salvation and Christ’s love does not change. He loves me even if I fail miserably! He’s pretty cool like that. This business is a gift, not a burden, so when it gets overwhelming I just put the weight of it in perspective.

Three things I remember when I’m overwhelmed…

  1. Appetite Paper’s success/failure is not a reflection of my self worth.
  2. Simplify the day by finding one thing I can do to serve another. That’s it.
  3. Nothing I do/don’t do today affects Christ’s love for me, I am loved right here in this moment, flaws and all.

Sami_Paperflowers_03How does your business bring you joy?

A year ago I would say “likes” on Instagram and the approval of others. It felt amazing to know people “liked” me. I thought I got rid of those 8th grade insecurities years ago, but the truth is I did not believe in myself or my work. So everyone’s “likes” were a huge comfort. Thankfully, this season has passed. I find joy by just having fun and expanding on my skills! I also love connecting with others paper flower artist. They inspire me!

If you could give one piece of advice to all the #bossladies out there, what would it be?

Just BE YOU. Flaws and all. I swear my dad’s been telling me that for years! (HA!) But in true daughter fashion I didn’t listen. But being YOU is so incredibly powerful. It sets you free. It awakens purpose, an appreciation for others differences and the confidence we need to excel in this life. It also gives others the courage to do the same, so just be you and keep on creating! Good things will follow.

I hope you enjoyed Rachael’s insight into her daily life as a small business owner & full-time graphic designer! I especially love her emphasis on balance and respecting limitations. It can be so easy to DO ALL THE THINGS when you’re excited and passionate about your job…trust me, I know! Especially when you’re comparing your business to others who are full-time!!! But the truth is, all that does is stretch you thin and leave you overwhelmed. As Rachael said, your business is A GIFT. Treat it that way: it’s not about managing it all, but recognizing what truly matters!

And, I think we can all love her final point on being YOU, girl! Awakening purpose, enhancing confidence, and freeing others to do the same?! Sign me up :)

If you want to keep up with Rachael and her gorgeous paper flowers, make sure you follow her blog on Bloglovin’! She’s recently been sharing some awesome words about daring to be different, trying new things, and ridding that annoying thing called comparison. Plus her flowers are just the best :)

And of course, you can always follow Appetite Paper on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest, too!

(All photos by Appetite Paper)

 Happy Friday!

Love love love,











  1. TahJah says:

    I loved reading this! I seriously need Rachael to adorn my house with her fresh paper cut petals.

  2. Bonnie says:

    What a great read! I feel so inspired by this and wish Rachael all the best in her endeavors!

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Sami Orndorff is a Wedding Photographer & Lifestyle Newborn Photographer located in the greater Indianapolis area.