Hey hey hey, and Happy Monday! G is celebrating #manbunmonday today…or well, he’s trying too at least ;)

Haha! Love that silly dog of ours :) ANYWAY, as always, here’s the mix up of Monday love on the blog:
- BOGO 50% off gets me every time. Whoever thought of that marketing is a GENIUS, and I would like to be best friends with him/her. Also, Target sandals are my favorite things in the world, and their bright colors & fun decals just make me want summer to hurry up already!
- Close time with friends without an agenda or structured plan is the best thing ever. Also, I love that I’m in the stage of life now where having a party still means bringing wine/beer, but also homemade cookies, veggie trays, crackers & cheese, and fruit dip. :)
- If you follow along with me on Instagram (@samireneephotography — do it now!!), you may have seen my Amazon catastrophe last week: after saving up for months, I ordered the 85mm 1.2 and was SO EXCITED to receive it, only to realize they had packed the wrong lens in the box!!!! Eek!!! Luckily, Amazon has great customer service, and they shipped me the right one the next business day. I can’t WAIT to put it to use (other than the random photos of Graham and our plants outside I’ve used it for already…haha!).
- Can you believe it’s almost April?!?! A new round of the The Newsletter will be hitting inboxes all over the country this week — make sure you’re signed up for updates, photography tips, & special offers!
- Speaking of April, in exactly ONE WEEK Chris & I are adventuring to New York City!!! We are so excited to experience the city: new restaurants, hidden shops, gorgeous architecture, timeless history, & people-watching galore! Any must have stops or travel tips? I’d love to hear below!!
- And finally, I took some time this weekend to look over my blog/website and decide where I need to make changes. Lauren of Elle & Company has been putting out some awesome information about fully utilizing your blog’s archive capabilities, and after a little searching around (and the awesome 8-minute ProPhoto help video!!), I was able to set up some really neat grid-like archives for my weddings! Unfortunately, the formatting doesn’t cross over to the mobile site…so you’ll have to check it out on your desktop/iPad/lap top to get the full effect :) I can’t wait to continue improving other areas of my site, too!
Aaand that’s a wrap! Hope your Monday makes you smile, and if not…Tuesday is just around the corner :)
Love love love,