This gorgeous girl who I’ve had the joy of knowing since she was in elementary school is officially a WIFE!! Ahh! Kitti and Logan’s Iron & Ember wedding day could not have been any more wonderful. Every detail was taken care of…and even the details out of our control (like, the weather!) were perfect! It had looked like rain all week, but the sun stayed strong, and we were able to get allllll the glowy green images Kitti had her heart set on! So thankful!
Some of my favorite moments from their day…
- Logan’s mom and sister helping him get into his tie and cufflinks, as they honored his dad and shared a sweet moment together
- …followed right up by their first look and Logan’s reaction: WOW! He just kept repeating that word over and over, and it was the best! So in awe of his bride!
- Kitti and Logan read personal vows to each other, and while I wasn’t able to hear what they were saying (thanks, 85mm!), I could see just how meaningful that moment was to their hearts.
- the gorgeous glowy sun that kept shining for all their portraits!!!
- when their officiant shared a prayer of blessing for Logan and Kitti, and had the whole crowd join in and pray with him
- Kitti’s dad’s welcome speech, describing the providence of God and how beautiful it was that their “short term” move to the US (and a brand new language!) when she was 7 led to living a few doors down from Logan and now the forever joining of their families!
- in fact, really just all the speeches. Kitti’s sister and Logan’s best friend did an incredible job!
- finishing up the day with golden hour portraits that could not BE more golden-y!!
I could go on and on! So thankful to have been a part of Kitti and Logan’s wedding celebration — enjoy some of my favorites, friends!
