When my mom first suggested a family trip this spring, I wasn’t quite sure if we could make it happen. After all, Ry-guy would be just shy of 3 months — did people even vacation with babies that age?! Haha! While it may have been a lot different than our past trips to Seaside, I am so glad we buckled up his carseat and made the trek anyway :) Seaside holds so many great memories for me — it’s where I first knew for sure that Chris could be “the one”, where we went on our belated honeymoon two summers ago for our first ever vacation alone, and, now, it’s the first place we’ve taken our son!
Some things I will always remember about our time:
I hope you enjoy some photos from our trip!!! I might have gone a little palm tree crazy….but I just couldn’t help myself :)
That’s our condo right there in the middle!
This yellow house is always one of my favorites :)
Love my mom and sister!!
Allie is so cute!!!
Some people were super eager for dinner this day….haha!!
Back to Seaside!!! We ate at Great Southern for our second-to-last night, and it was AMAZING. Probably my favorite seafood restaurant yet!
Haha! Love my boys :)
The only photo we got of the whole crew!
I come by it honestly :) Haha!
And some Instagram favorites…
Love love love,