Hip, hip, hooray for baby Max!!!!! I am so excited to share this crew on the blog today — I’ve been photographing Meg and Josh for all of their family life, and it’s always such a gift to catch up with them and record their family in each new season.
Parenting multiples is hard — especially in those first weeks, when you’re sleep-deprived and achy and still learning how this new little person you love so much even works! While there are plenty of peaceful moments in the #boymom life, they definitely aren’t always the majority — at least not in my experience. ;) All the laughter, all the shenanigans, all the cuddles, and all the silliness, for sure. But, not so much all the peace. Haha!
However, that’s what I love about home sessions. I get the chance to freeze the moments that often feel like a blur and capture the beauty in the middle of the chaos. I *love* this lifestyle newborn session SO incredibly much, and I’m honored to share it with you today!
Welcome to the world, sweet Max!! You are so loved, buddy!
Broad Ripple, IN | Lifestyle Newborn Photographyer
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