

March 21, 2018

Baby Boy #2’s Nursery!

In honor of hitting 39 weeks (something I NEVER thought I’d say!!) and all the glorious reflective light this morning’s snow brought with it, I am so excited to share a peek into our little guy’s nursery!! There are still a *few* things we’re waiting on, but overall I am super excited about having a space for Baby #2. I know it’s a little silly…and he won’t even be in there for weeks after his birth…but it’s already one of my new favorite rooms in the house, and I am constantly opening the door to just walk past it and smile. :)

A few challenges we faced along the way…

First of all, this room is WAY tinier than Ryan’s nursery! It also had falling closet doors & was just overall in terrible shape. We’ve been in our home for over two years at this point, but the only room we had put any effort to upstairs was Ryan’s room (you can see photos of his space HERE)…so I was more than excited to start planning out a light & airy space for Baby #2, too! I didn’t really have a clear idea of what I wanted his room to look like…but I knew I wanted it to be as light and simple as possible to make the space seem bigger, and I wanted to have neutral & green accents.

The first step was getting rid of all my office stuff / storage that was in there before. Because we love hosting, we decided to keep our fourth bedroom as a guest room and just moved my space downstairs. Thanks to the brand new IKEA a mile away from our house, that process was way easier than it sounds! Haha! I’ve actually loved being able to work downstairs these past few months, so losing an official “office space” was a blessing in disguise!

Once everything was out, we were left with the door issue to deal with. For a while, we debated putting in new closet doors…but when we realized they would have to be custom built (thanks, previous owners!), we quickly nixed that notion. Chris did a ton of work painting, fixing dry wall, and removing shelves, and I am so, so happy with what we ended up with: a sweet little nook that actually makes the room seem WAY bigger!

We also knew that we didn’t want to spend anywhere near as much as we did on Ryan’s room. Almost everything in this nursery was either passed down from family, something that Chris or I used growing up, found while thrifting, or already in our house! The wardrobe dresser was mine growing up, and I LOVE the way adding new distressed wooden + gold knobs completely changed the look!

A few other fun things include the gold frames my mom and I found at Goodwill (and the adorable Peter Rabbit print I cut out from a book from Goodwill, too!), the side table I used in high school, and the faux fig leaf tree I snagged on a random trip to IKEA! I found the rocking chair on the Facebook Marketplace for $25 (!!!!), and both of the shelves were ones we already owned but had never hung up in our new house!

My one splurge was the puppy mobile….but just wait until you see it. Literally, worth every single penny!!! Ahh!!! :)

Little man, we just really can’t wait to meet you! I love imagining all the memories we’ll create in this room — from snuggles on the floor to late nights in your chair and hide & seek galore! We love you so much already and will be holding you tight before we know it!

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Sources: TBA



  1. Mom Malloy says:

    Awesome job Sami and Chris! It looks wonderful!

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